In my last post I talked about the conjunction of Uranus/Mars/Rahu on the mundane level: I described it as explosive and explosive and related this statement to world events. Then I received an email from a long-standing client asking what was going on in 18 degrees Taurus or where it was located in her horoscope. This email made me realise that despite my advice at the beginning of the initial consultation, clients are obviously not necessarily aware that the sidereal zodiac, on the basis of which the Vedic horoscope is calculated, is about 24 degrees behind the tropical planetary positions. Clients are generally interested in the statements and not in how they come about. Even though we astrologers often mention “your Sun in Leo”, clients sometimes refer to themselves as “a Virgo”.
The vortex that is made around 18 degrees Taurus in western astrological portals, therefore, refers to the Uranus/Mars/Moon Node (Rahu) conjunction at the end of July/beginning of August 2022, which takes place in 18 Taurus in the tropical zodiac and in 24 Aries in the sidereal zodiac, i.e. 24 degrees apart. This corresponds quite exactly to the current difference between the two zodiacs. And the Western collegues then went on to emphasise that Uranus is retrograde and will then have its effect between 14 and 18 Taurus. Translated to our sidereal zodiac, this means that all people with planets or the Ascendant between 20 and 24 Aries or Libra (secondarily also after 2o to 24 Cancer and Capricorn) will especially feel these stirring energies of Uranus in the next months. These people, I would also interpret this, will experience instability and upheavals. Sudden events can either open up interesting new perspectives for them or catapult them out of their comfort zone. This can happen in different areas of life, depending on which house Aries is in. In the 7th house it can concern the partnership, in the 5th the children and in the 10th house the profession or the public position.
So far, so good. If I were to relate the trans-saturnians such as Uranus, Pluto and Neptune to personal horoscopes, then that would be my interpretation. But I always stay on the mundane or collective level with these trans-saturnians, because I am convinced that the 7 grahas (planets) and 2 chayagrahas (the two lunar nodes) wonderfully depict the personal challenges and growth tasks of an individual and, what’s more, the karmic dimension is always involved. And all people who have the Moon, Lagna or other planets in Aries are experiencing the Rahu transition via these planets or the Lagna from this spring until the end of 2023. This is always a turbulent phase, as Rahu’s energy is also very sudden, and unpredictable and aims to send people into new experiences. So that growth can take place. So that our own karmic issues can come into play and we can prove ourselves accordingly. So that we can show how much we have grown in the last 18.5 years.
In addition, as I explained to my client, for western colleagues the so-called transits, i.e. the current transitions of the planets over their own planets in the birth chart, are the most important or sometimes even the only forecasting instrument. They are therefore naturally given a great deal of weight and importance.
In Indian astrology, on the other hand, we have a prognostic instrument that dominates the transits, which can be classified as about twice as important. These are the so-called Dashas, the planetary cycles, which are our most important indicators of the quality of the respective period of life. They prepare the ground on which the transits can then act as triggers.
These dasha cycles were the main reason for me to turn to Vedic astrology more than 20 years ago. For it was only through this forecasting tool that I saw myself in a position to formulate reliable predictions. On the basis of the transits alone, many things were too vague for me.
No wonder, then, that sometimes the topics currently under discussion are of a different nature.