In cooperation with the Institute of Vedic Astrology and especially with Dr. K. S. Charak and Vinay Aditya we offer an exam, which is taken by Dr. Charak or Vinay Aditya in Germany and is held once a year in May or June. It meets the requirements of the largest vedic-astrological organizations in India such as ICAS (Indian Council of Astrological Science) and is therefore on an internationally recognized level.
Those who have passed this examination can start with astrological consultations and can evaluate all important areas of life in a horoscope.
We have based our training concept on the principle that students from all institutes as well as autodidacts can take part in this examination. The passing of this exam enables the definition of a standard which is beneficial to both the client and the astrologers. This examination gives astrologers the opportunity to distinguish themselves from other astrologers who have not been examined and some of whom are inadequately trained. If you decide to take this test, astrology and working with it will also become more important for you. On the one hand, they are directly forced by the examination to close some knowledge gaps and can recognize possible existing weak points. You also have clear proof of qualification for clients, colleagues and possibly later stzúdents. Although the designation “astrologer”; is not protected, we would like to contribute by this examination and the specified designation “Astrovedic-Geprüfte/r Vedische/r Astrologe/in”; to differentiate the group of seriously working and well trained astrologers in the long run from less well trained colleagues.
By the way, if you come across designations such as DGVA or EVVA-tested astrologers on the Internet or on our Astrovedic-Beratung. de website, it is the same testing standard. After our withdrawal from the former association, we took over this examination as the exclusive institute for the preparation of this examination in the past and those, who implemented this exam in the first place.
Overview over the examination as “Astrovedic recognized Astrologer or Fellow of the Institute of Vedic Astrology ” :
- Case studies – 5 case studies on horoscopes must be submitted up to 4 weeks before the examination date.
- Written examination in a location in Germany
- Oral examination
Contents of the examination:
The examination covers all important basics of Vedic astrology, which we teach in our basic training:
1. Signs and planets
2. The houses
- Meaning of the houses
- Classification of houses
- Planets in the houses
- Karakas (planetary and house Karakas)
- The Equal Bhava House System
3. Strength of the planets
- Friendships and enmities of the planets
- Strength of planets
- Planetary Aspects
4. The yogas
- Important Yogas from Parashara Astrology and their interpretation
- Cancellation of debilitation (a very important yoga group)
5. The Vimsottari Dasa Cycle
- Rules of application of the Vimsottari Dasa system
- Calculation of the Dasabegin and the length of a subphase
6. The Nakshatras or the lunar zodiac
- Basics about the Nakshatras, their ruling deities, location, translation of the name, planetary rulers
- Application possibilities of the Nakshatras
7. Rahu and Ketu or the nodal axis
- Interpretation of the karmic axis
8. Interpretation of the transits – Gochara
- Rules for the interpretation of transits
- Important movements of the slow planets and cycles resulting from them
- Saade Sati, Shani Ashtami interpretation
- Asktaka Varga as an instrument for transit assessment
9. The Vargas or subhoroscopes
- Understanding of the main subhoroscopes and calculation of Shad Vargas
10. Panchanga elements and Muhurta
- Knowledge of the 5 components of the Indian almanac/calendar
- Important basic rules of Muhurta (overview)