Programme Jyotish Conference 2025

Start: Friday, 2 May 2025 at 7 p.m. in Bad Kreuznach (or online)

Bonus programme to get you in the mood: First, the history of Vedic Astrology in Germany and German-speaking Europe will be briefly told, accompanied by photos from past congresses of the former German Society for Vedic Astrology up to the European Association for Vedic Astrology.

Then the individual speakers will introduce themselves, describe their astrological background and share a few highlights from their own practice.

Saturday, 3 May:

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.: Workshop with Dr KS Charak

Trimshamsha and the Matters of health

In medical astrology, we have been using the navamsha and the drekkana, besides the rashi chart, with good results. However, the trimshamsha chart, which the sage Parashara recommends for identifying sufferings of all kinds, has not received the attention it deserves while analysing  charts concerned with issues related to health. Trimshamsha literally means one-thirtieth of a rashi. In actual practice, however, there are only five trimshamshas in a rashi. After the horoscope has been assessed using the rashi, the navamsha and the drekkana charts, an analysis of the trimshamsha chart provides additional useful information regarding the nature and course of an illness. The five trishamshas in a rashi are governed by their five deities. A careful understanding of the role of the deities of the trimshamshas provides further invaluable information not accessible by other means. We shall discuss in detail the nature of the deities of the trimshamshas, the vulnerabilities they indicate, and the manner in which they influence the course of an illness.

2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.: Anne C. Schneider

Comparison of different lunar house systems (structure and content)

In many astrological traditions, the zodiac is divided not only into 12 zodiacal signs, but also into other smaller units that can also cross sign borders. An important pattern is the course of the moon through the zodiac and its encounters with fixed stars, from which the lunar mansions (Arabic: Manâzil, Latin: Mansiones, English: Lunar Mansions) were derived.

After the Arabic texts had been translated into Latin as well as the translation of the Spanish grimoire Picatrix (1256), the system also gained a foothold in Europe and was adapted by astrologers and magicians. The polymath Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535) describes its use in his Occulta Philosophia (1510), especially for elections and the creation of talismans.
Today’s Western astrologers such as Christopher Warnock and Oscar Hofman or the theosophist William Butler Yeats have further developed the interpretation and application of the lunar mansions for modern purposes. The properties of the lunar houses, which result from the planetary rulers (as in the Nakshatras) or from the fixed star influences (as in the Manzils), can be used both for the interpretation of nativities and for elections.

The lecture gives an historical overview of the different variants of the system of Lunar Mansions, and then discusses practical applications.

4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.: Vinay Aditya

The significance of the Bhava horoscope

Even though every Vedic astrologer is theoretically aware of the existence

and significance of bhava horoscopes (horoscopes with different house divisions), in practice they are often neglected. Therefore, in this lecture, Vinay Aditya would like to focus on these ‘overlooked’ horoscopes and point out their value and areas of application:

  • What is the ‘correct’ Bhava chart?
  • What is it needed for?
  • When and how is it used?
  • How are aspects and Ashtakavarga bindus handled in a Bhava chart?
  • The significance of Bhava Madhya and its Navamsa
  • Example charts to illustrate the concepts

Sunday, 4 May:

9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Workshop with Vinay Aditya

How to use the Navamsa correctly?

An indispensable tool for correct horoscope analysis

The Navamsa is the most important of all subhoroscopes or Vargas. It is much more subtle than the Rasi and resonates with the Nakshatras like no other of the Vargas. However, there are many different techniques and approaches to its use, which will be the subject of this workshop:

  • How do I interpret the Navamsa in connection with the Rasi in concrete terms?
  • Special interpretations that only apply to the Navamsa
  • How can I evaluate it as an independent horoscope?
  • How and when can I use it as an independent horoscope? Not only for partnership!
  • Example horoscopes to illustrate the different techniques.

2:00 to 3:30 p.m.: Lecture with Dr Charak

Many hues of the Gaja-Kesari Yoga

A yoga is a specific planetary disposition capable of yielding specific results. An understanding of the various yogas obtaining in a horoscope forms the basis of correct chart analysis. One of the most  important and desirable benefic yogas is the Gajakesari which is supposed to markedly enhance the status of a native. However, this yoga is of such frequent occurrence that it is impossible for so many natives with this yoga in their charts to attain the exalted status that the astrological classics say this yoga promises. Why do different people with this yoga in their charts fare differently? We aim to provide a comprehensive approach to analysis of the Gajakesari yoga, explaining our points with example charts. Our approach to analysis of the Gajakesari yoga is applicable to all the other yogas that exist in a native’s chart.

End of the event

All lectures and workshops will be in English with German translation.


Early bird rate until 15 March:

In-person participation: 290 euros including conference drinks and 2 vegetarian lunches (Saturday/Sunday), including 1 soft drink each day, vegan food available on request – including downloads after the conference

Online participation: 190 euros, including downloads after the conference

After 15 March:

Onsite participation: €320 including conference drinks and two vegetarian lunches (Saturday/Sunday), including one soft drink each time, vegan food available on request – including downloads after the conference

Online participation: €220, including downloads after the conference

The registration form will be uploaded shortly. You are welcome to register in advance by email. I will then send you the confirmation and the terms and conditions by email. The Caravelle Hotel im Park in Bad Kreuznach has a room contingent ready for us, which can be accessed there using the keyword ‘Astrovedic’.