Medical Astrology with Dr Charak

Introduction in Medical Astroloy ( 8 lessons of 1,5 h online):

24./25. September – 9.30 to 13 h – 2 x 1,5 h

1 – Introduction to medical astrology;

2 – Important vargas, dashas, timing of events, key planets for different lagnas, etc.;

3 & 4 – Balarishta and arishta bhanga;


1./2. Oktober – 9.30 to 13 h – 2 x 1,5 h

5 – Principles of sound and unsound health;

6 – Congenital illness;

7 – Gulika, sarpa drekkanas, mrityu bhaga, houses and body parts; nakshatras and body parts.

8 –  Significations of grahas;

This is an intermediate level course and assumes attendees to have basic understanding of classical Vedic astrology.

Fee: 200,- € (150,. € reduuced fee for everyone who did the Medical training with Nick in 2019)

For the advanced class in November, Dr Charak defines wants students to j

For the advanced course Dr. Charak has defined the following prerequisite: Good medical-astrological previous knowledge and participation in the 2nd of October (live or download), the cost for this is 50,- Euro.

The fees once again at a glance:

Cateogry A: New to medical astrology: 200 euros for both weekends.

Category B: Astro-medical previous knowledge through further trainings from 2017 and participation in both weekends: 150 Euro

Category C: Astro-medical previous knowledge through further trainings from 2017 and participation only on September 2: 50 Euro


Advanced class (6 x  1,5 h online):

26./27. November – 9.30 – 13 h

1, 2 – Significations of grahas;

3,4,: Onset and outcome of disease.

3. Dezember – 9.30 – 13 h – if required

Fee: 100 or 150 € – depending in the number of classes