The month of October is very interesting from an astrological point of view, which mostly means in plain language: challenging. In relative temporal proximity to the expected eclipses, several other astrological phenomena known to be noticeable and effective take place:
- Saturn becomes direct again on October 23. While this is often an overall loosening of entrenched processes and issues, those with planets in 23 – 24 degrees Capricorn or Cancer will be able to clearly perceive Saturn’s inhibiting and oppressive qualities
- on 25 October there is a solar eclipse involving Venus, which classically tends to weaken politics and diplomacy.
- Venus is very close to the Sun during this phase, combusting and not visible for about 2 months in total. It becomes the evening star again from now on.
- on 30 October Mars becomes retrograde, which is the case every 2 years and is usually noticeable because it has then reached the point of greatest proximity to the Earth. If this happens in close temporal connection with Erclipses, the energies add up, so to speak, and the turbulence becomes more noticeable.
- Then, on 8 November, a lunar eclipse takes place. In both eclipses, the conjunction between rebellious Rahu and reform-seeking Uranus is still in effect. They also add up to
So much for the most concise astrological factors for this autumn. On 1 November, I would like to offer a lecture on these constellations, but it will focus mainly on the Mars cycle. Every 2 years Mars stays in a sign for about 6 months. This autumn/winter he will be mainly in Taurus. How exactly such a Mars cycle takes place, what is activated and when, is what I would like to shed light on this evening. In doing so, I will take less account of world events than of the activations to be expected in the personal horoscope. I will briefly discuss the localisations of the eclipses and their general effects, but the focus of our interest will be the personal charts with general explanations of how Mars makes itself felt in transit for 6 months in which house and what it means when it touches personal planets in the process (directly or in aspect).
This lecture is suitable for all interested people with some previous knowledge. It is in German, but if there are enough people who want me to offer an English version. please get in touch.
The cost is 10 Euros for our active students and 18 Euros for all others. I ask, if possible, for payment via PayPal to or for bank transfer to the known account. After receipt of payment, the download link will be sent automatically.
The fees for this lecture will go to the association “Tröstende Pfoten e.V.”, which provides love and comfort to dying children and adults in hospice work.