Astro*carto*graphy secrets revealed with Ronnie Gale Dreyer – Part 2
Secrets of Astro*Carto*Graphy. Part 2 on Saturday, 27th of April, 15 h to 18h (with short break)
Since Ronnie´s first workshop on AstroCartoGrapy opened up new astrological perspectives for many of the participants we wnat to offer a follow-up. If you haven´t followed the first lecture, you might want to read the contents in the description below and maybe also order the donwload of part 1 before part 2 starts. You will also find some information about Ronnie Gale Dreyer from New York, her work and her special relationship to this topic.
After a quick review of Astro*Carto*Graphy basics we will go on to more ways that we can work with it.
Topics include:
- Exploring “place” and “location” in our live
- Calculating maps using
- Using the map v. the chart;
- Working with parans and outer planets;
- Relationships and transits through location;
- Charting eclipses and eclipse paths;
- Many examples
Fee: for our active students: 45 € – everyone else 55,- €
English with German translation – please register by email to info[at]
Here is the description of part 1 of this workshop:
Using the late Jim Lewis’ concept of seeing where in the world natal planets are angular (we will review the concept of angularity), Ronnie will draw on years of working with Astro*Carto*Graphy maps and with Jim himself to show how to pinpoint locations that do and do not resonate with you. This could include places you want to live, friends and partners who come from a particular place, and good locations to start a business. In addition to seeing how each planet affects you when it is prominent, we will also ruminate on what “place” and “location” mean in our lives, and how our ability to connect globally has changed their meaning. Many case studies will give informative and, at times, surprising results.
RONNIE GALE DREYER is an internationally known astrological consultant, author, lecturer, and teacher based in New York City. Specializing in Indian and Western astrology (including Astro*Carto*Graphy), she uses the best techniques of each system in her practice, and was among the first wave of astrologers who travelled East and introduced Indian astrology to Western audiences.
She lectures extensively for astrology groups and conducts ongoing courses and webinars on all subjects. Ronnie has been on the faculty of conferences throughout the world (including United Astrology Conference (UAC), Association for Asian Studies, and the World Sanskrit Conference), taught at the American College of Vedic Astrology (ACVA), and was Guest Lecturer on Indian Cosmology for the M.A. Distance Learning Program in Cultural Astronomy at University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Ronnie is the author of Vedic Astrology, Venus, Healing Signs, Your Sun and Moon Guide to Love and Life, and Indian Astrology. Her books have been translated into Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Czech, Hungarian, and Bulgarian. She co-authored with Dr. Nicholas Campion a chapter on Indian astrology in Religious Transformation in Modern Asia, and contributed to chapters in Under One Sky, Astrology for Women, and Hindu Astrology Lessons. She has written gift books, columns, articles and book reviews for numerous magazines.
She holds a B.A. in English and Theater from the University of New Mexico, and an M.A. in South Asian Languages and Cultures from Columbia University. Her master’s thesis was a translation and analysis of five chapters on women’s astrology from a Sanskrit text. Ronnie learned Jyotisa in Benares, India where she studied with Dr. Muralil Sharma, a mathematics professor at Sanskrit University, and Deoki Nandan Shastri, a commercial astrologer.
Ronnie can be reached at, or
Fee: for our active students: 45 € – everyone else 55,- €
English with German translation – please register by email to info[at]
Workshop with Richard Fidler
Saturday, 29th of June, 14.30 h to 18h (with short break)
Integrating Bhava Karakas in your astrological interpretation
In Jyotish there is a principle generally known as “Bhava Karaka” which refers to planets as house significators. We are taught that every bhava has one or more grahas that resonate particularly closely with the themes and concerns of the bhava. The Sun for the 1st House, Mercury and Jupiter for the 2nd House, etc. This resonance between graha and bhava is so intimate that you can’t be sure you fully understand the condition of a bhava without considering the condition of it’s Bhava Karaka/s. Applying this in practice takes a particular type of thinking about the relationship between grahas and bhavas, and we’ll take some hints on how to do this from Phaladipika’s description of the Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas.
Richard Fidler
Richard Fidler is a South African born astrologer currently residing in the UK. He became fascinated with astrology around the age of 15 and within a few years it started to become a full time occupation. Like most people in the West he started out with Western astrology but then started exploring Jyotish in 1997.
Over the years he has introduced many hundreds of students of Western astrology to the value of Jyotish through courses, lectures and articles. He has also been instrumental in organizing astrological conferences in South Africa and India, which have hosted such notable astrologers as Robert Hand and Komilla Sutton. Richard served as the chairperson of the Cape Town based Cape Astrology Association for several years and was the UK representative for ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research) from 2021 to 2023.
Richard is currently working on creating a school of astrology with a number of colleagues that will provide education in various ancient forms of astrology, including Jyotish and Persian astrology, along with specialized software for astrologers.
Fee: for our active students: 45 € – everyone else 55,- €
English with German translation – please register by email to info[at]
Vinay Aditya from New Delhi, author of 2 books on the subject, will explain the Ashtaka Varga System and inspire us with it.
21-22 January 2023 (exceptionally Saturday and Sunday).
The Ashtaka Varga is one of the various mathematical calculation systems that is only used sporadically in our education and which we definitely do not do justice to. What possibilities are hidden behind this tool can be better conveyed by none other than Vinay Aditya.
Contents of this workshop:
- Introduction of the Ashtaka Varga
- Possible applications of the Ashtaka Varga for transit interpretation
- Possibilities of the Ashtaka Varga as a general interpretation tool for different areas of astrological work.
Vinay Aditya from New Delhi has been acting as examiner for the German speaking Jyotish graduates of our academy since the beginning of the 2000s. He is a pillar of our Vedic-astrological community and must not be absent from our jubilee. His special field is the subject of Ashtaka Varga, on which he has published two books. He has been teaching Jyotish at ICAS in New Delhi for many years and works closely with Dr K S Charak.
Times: 9.30 h to 13.00 h with 30 minutes break – online
Fees: 95,- Euro
English with German translation, download available afterwards – registration by email to info(at)
Prof Jaya Sekhar, Hosur, Indien: Spirituality in an astrological chart – Sa, July 9, 2022 – Part 1
Contents of this workshop
- Is spirituality indicated in a Chart?
- If so what type of spiritual activity and to what level is it indicated.
- What is Parivrajaka Yoga ?
Prof. Jaya Sekhar from Hosur in South India is the author of numerous books and has enjoyed much recognition throughout Europe as a teacher of various Vedic fields of knowledge for almost 30 years. He has enriched many international congresses as a speaker with his esteemed, wide-ranging knowledge. For us and our students he is a very formative teacher whose level-headed and caring nature we all appreciate very much. Since the early 2000s, he has successfully conducted numerous seminars in Germany on topics such as Jyotish, philosophy, Vastu and palm reading.
Download available for 35 Euros
English with German translation
fromWorkshop with Dr. Charak from New-Delhi: Balarishta Yogas, their Results and their cancellations
Dr. Charak is not only a passionate Jyotishi, but he is also primarily a surgeon and his heart and soul have been flowing into his nonprofit work for several decades: He organizes medical camps in remote areas of India and treats or operates on people who would otherwise have no access to medical care. He himself takes a lot of work and now has a good team and a foundation behind him, which has decided to build a hospital that treats the poor free of charge.
Download available for 35 Euros
The Balarishta Yogas are very important for determining the length of life and health. To be able to better assess these yogas and to know if and when they indicate crises in life is the goal of this workshop.
This workshop has already taken place and can still be purchased:
The Padas – a leaf from Jaimini Astrology integrated in Parashari chart interpretation
Pada is a unique concept of Jaimini Astrology. It generates a new reference point for every house. Analysis of the chart through Pada considerations provides new insights into the chart reading. Taking a leaf out of Jaimini we will use it predominantly as per our regular Parashari practices and watch how it augments our understanding of the chart. It would be good to have prior knowledge of Jaimini astrology, but it would not be a necessary condition for this seminar.
- Definition and calculation of padas (Arudhas)
- Results of Relative positions of the Padas
- Inter-relations of the Padas
- Jeeva relations through the Padas
- Fields of application, such as occupation, marital relations
- Padas in the context of activation in Dasha-Bhukti
- Numerous example horoscopes
This is partly a repetition of a Workshop Vinay Aditya held years ago in the context of a German Astotrological conference. Part 1, the introduction, can be regarded as a repetition, part 2 is a continuation. Who has participated in Part 1 back then, can either just book part 2 or they can repeat the first part for a reduced fee.
About Vinay Aditya:
Vinay Aditya became a Jyotish Visharad from Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, a renown Vedic Astrology institute, founded by the famous Vedic Astrologer K.N. Rao. He was later conferred the title of Jyotish Vachaspati by Indian Council of Astrological Sciences.
Vinay started teaching Vedic Astrology in 1994. Since then, he has lectured and led workshops on various subjects under the auspicies of ACVA, BAVA and DGVA, the American, British and German Councils of Vedic Astrology, respectively. Since the 2000, he has served as a regular faculty member at the annual astrology seminar in Arsha Vidya Gurukulam in Pennsylvania, USA. In addition, he has tutored various foreign students in astrology and palmistry from time to time. In addition to astrology, he has been teaching palmistry for the last 3 years.
He has written a highly acclaimed book, Dots of Destiny, Applications of Ashtakavarga and has pioneered work on this topic and presented several workshops around the world. He is the associate editor of the bi-monthly magazine Vedic Astrology, edited by Dr. KS Charak, and contribute research articles to the magazine regularly.
Fees:Download 35 Euros
Spoken language is English with German translation.