The Prognostic Power of Retrograde Cycles

Saturday, the 17th of Oct, 14.30 h – 16 h and 16.30 h to 18 h

The cycles of the planets as they move from their retrograde to direct stations are amazing forecasters of events on a natal and mundane level. In this workshop we will look at the retrograde cycles of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, and show how they affect you and the world around you. We will show what these planets do when they contact a planet or point in your chart, and emphasize the importance of their natal and transiting house positions. We will also look at the havoc they often create in the world using as a perfect example the current Mars retrograde cycle from September 9-November 14.

Lecturer: Ronnie Gale Dreyer, English with German translation

Ronnie Gale Dreyer is an internationally-known consultant, lecturer, and teacher based in New York City. She has lectured throughout the world, conducts ongoing classes/webinars, and wrote numerous books including Venus, Healing Signs, and Vedic Astrology. Ronnie co-authored, with Nick Campion, a chapter on Indian Astrology in Religious Transformation in Modern Asia. She has been guest lecturer in Indian Cosmology for the M.A. Distance Learning Program in Cultural Astronomy at University of Wales. Ronnie received her M.A. in South Asian Languages and Cultures from Columbia University and wrote her thesis on women’s astrology in India. She can be reached at,

Fee: 45 Euros